As this year draws to a close, I want to take a moment to celebrate YOU.  Why you ask?  Because you have done incredible things throughout this past year - each and every one of you.  Big things, little things, hard things, easy things, surprising things, and things that have led you to being the amazing person that you are in this moment now.  I’m very proud of you and have truly enjoyed being part of your journey throughout the past year.  And you should be proud of you too!  To help you tune into and recognize your success, I’d encourage you to look over these journal prompts and consider them.  If you do nothing else, I invite you to identify 2-3 things that you did well this year or that you’re proud of – doesn’t matter if they are big or small.  They are all an important part of our journey and they’re all worth celebrating. Happy New Year!

Year End Review

*What was remarkable about the past year? How did it make you feel? What did you learn?

*Who came into your life?  What did they bring you? Did anyone leave? What was that experience like?

*What were your best accomplishments? What made you feel proud and how did you celebrate?

*What were your favorite moments and why?  How did they make you feel?  How could you see yourself feeling that way again?

*What was your biggest disappointment? How did it make you feel? Was there a lesson in this experience?     

*How would you want next year to be different? How would you feel if these things changed for the better?

*What annoyed you about this past year? Are there any ways to problem solve this situation to make it better?

*What do you regret not doing this past year?  How would it make you feel to do that thing next year?

*What was the most significant thing you did to care for yourself this year?  How did it impact you? 


Reconnecting with Self: Stepping Into Your Power


Welcome to the Holiday Season!