Lo’s Prose

In these regular blog posts, I will share musings, insight, and strategies to help you set boundaries, speak up for your needs, and create healthy relationships with others in your life. Learn to show up for yourself with curiosity, compassion, and kindness as you become your own cheerleader, best friend, and most loving parent!

New Year Reflections

New Year Reflections

As this year draws to a close, I want to take a moment to celebrate YOU. Why you ask? Because you have done incredible things throughout this past year - each and every one of you. Big things, little things, hard things, easy things, surprising things, and things that have led you to being the amazing person that you are in this moment now. I’m very proud of you and have truly enjoyed being part of your journey throughout the past year. And you should be proud of you too! To help you tune into and recognize your success, I’d encourage you to look over these journal prompts and consider them. If you do nothing else, I invite you to identify 2-3 things that you did well this year or that you’re proud of – doesn’t matter if they are big or small. They are all an important part of our journey and they’re all worth celebrating. Happy New Year!

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End of Year Reflection
Reflection, Self-Care, Holidays, New Year Lauren McCoy Reflection, Self-Care, Holidays, New Year Lauren McCoy

End of Year Reflection

As this year draws to a close, I want to take a moment to celebrate YOU. Why you ask? Because you have done incredible things throughout this past year. Big things, little things, hard things, easy things, surprising things, and things that have led you to being the amazing person that you are in this moment now. I’m proud of you and have truly enjoyed being part of your journey throughout the past year. And you should be proud of you too! To help you tune into and recognize your success, I’d encourage you to look over these journal prompts and consider them. If you do nothing else, I invite you to identify 2-3 things that you did well this year or that you’re proud of – doesn’t matter if they are big or small. They are all an important part of our journey and they’re all worth celebrating. Happy New Year!

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