Reconnecting with Self: Stepping Into Your Power

So often in this world, we are encouraged to push down our feelings, wants, and needs so that we don’t take up too much space or inconvenience anyone. We worry that if we embody our true self, we won’t be accepted or fit in with others. They may judge, criticize, dislike, or even outright reject us. These fears lead us to abandon ourselves and become chameleons who blend in and adapt simply to please others. We play small, conform, and eventually lose touch with who we are, how we feel, and what we want and need. This lack of identity can happen slowly over time without us even realizing it. This year, join me in re-connecting with your authentic self, learning to tap into your unique power and make a contribution in this world. We all have a special purpose and reason for existence on this planet, and it is our duty to share it with the world. We need the authentic YOU - you matter!

If you’re wondering how to re-connect with your authenticity and step into your power, here are some questions to consider. Take a few minutes to get quiet, turn inward, and reflect in order to see what comes up for you. I encourage you to use the steam of consciousness method, where you write down everything and anything that enters your mind quickly and without censoring yourself. You don’t need to show these words to anyone else so try to let go of perfection and judgment, tapping into curiosity instead. Good luck!

Sentence Stem Reflections

*I find comfort in….

*I am inspired by…

*I feel the most creative when…

*I feel most like myself when…

*I am most at peace when…

*I express myself best when….

*I am a person who loves…

*When I think of fulfilling my purpose, I see myself….

*When I view myself as a unique and loved person, I feel….


Happy Spring!


New Year Reflections