Holiday Reflections

While the winter and holiday season can be a time of joy and excitement, it can also be a source of stress, overwhelm, and exhaustion for many.  The pressure to please and make everyone happy can be compounded by our own grief and loss, nostalgia for past memories, health issues, and concerns about the uncertainty of the world right now. 

Despite the pressures, I strongly encourage you to prioritize your wellbeing over the holidays, especially if you are someone who tends to neglect yourself, push through, and over-function at this time of year.  Here are some questions to reflect upon as we dive into the busy month of December and finish out 2022:

  • What can you let go of doing to create more time and space to be present?

  • Who is someone that you can reach out to for support if needed?

  • Who might you need to set clear, loving boundaries with as it relates to the holidays?

  • What is one small, realistic act of self-care that you can commit to daily?

  • Choose 1-3 times each day to set a reminder on your phone for a check-in. Ask yourself: How am I feeling? What do I need right now to feel my best? (Then follow through and provide for your need. You matter!)

Keep in mind that being honest with others is an act of kindness to both yourself and them.  Setting and expressing clear limits for yourself demonstrates both respect and love.  We cannot expect others to read our mind!  And remember that our needs and boundaries can and will change over time.  It is always your right and responsibility to be clear about what you are willing and capable of doing this year, knowing that it may be different than it was in the past.  Check in with yourself about what capacity you have now, and focus on being okay with making changes even if it makes others uncomfortable.  And resist the urge to overexplain, defend, or gain validation for your boundaries.  Keep it simple!  Remember, if people are disappointed, upset, or triggered, that is THEIR experience to work through.  You are not obligated to fix or help them work through those feelings. 

Wishing you a joyful holiday season filled with love, peace, and rest!  I hope you find these questions helpful and supportive. Feel free to comment below with any of your responses to these journal prompts.


Holiday Survival Guide


Welcome to Fall!