Lo’s Prose

In these regular blog posts, I will share musings, insight, and strategies to help you set boundaries, speak up for your needs, and create healthy relationships with others in your life. Learn to show up for yourself with curiosity, compassion, and kindness as you become your own cheerleader, best friend, and most loving parent!

Cultivating Acceptance
Relationships, Acceptance, Release Control Lauren McCoy Relationships, Acceptance, Release Control Lauren McCoy

Cultivating Acceptance

In the past, I spent a lot of time dwelling on what I wished could be and how I thought things should be. In struggling to acknowledge and accept what is, I often sacrificed my peace and presence in favor of resistance and future-tripping. The most obvious example came in my relationships with others. I often saw the potential in a person or situation, choosing to focus on how things could change for the better. While being forward-thinking can be beneficial in some ways, it also prevents us from realizing the truth of what is currently in front of us. I gave away a lot of my power because I was trying to control things that I could not.

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