As Mother’s Day approaches, I want to take this opportunity to acknowledge ALL types of maternal relationships - moms, step moms, chosen moms, grandmothers, new moms, adoptive moms, grieving moms, pet moms, single moms, those people who miss their mothers, those with a painful and/or strained relationship with their mom, and those longing to be a mom themselves. I truly honor, respect, and celebrate all of you! I know this holiday can bring up a lot of intense, overwhelming, and even unexpected emotions for people. No matter your situation, please be sure to treat yourself with extra kindness, compassion, and love as Sunday approaches. YOU deserve it on Mother’s Day and everyday!

As you consider how you want to spend the day, I encourage you to be clear, open, and honest with others about your desires. I spent years of my life wanting, expecting, and hoping that my loved ones would read my mind. I might drop hints, but I never wanted to outright tell people what would make me happy or feel special and loved. I believed that if I told my family and friends what to do, it would be rude, presumptuous, and less special because they didn’t come up with the plan on their own. In return, however, I spent many occasions feeling disappointed and sad when things didn’t go the way I had imagined in my mind.

This Mother’s Day, I encourage you to try a different approach to see what happens. Spend some time reflecting on how you would like to spend the day and communicate that ahead of time to your family. Let them know if you’d like to go to your favorite restaurant for lunch, sleep in later in the morning, have some alone time, or simply relax and do nothing. While it’s not a guarantee that your loved ones will follow through, you are much more likely to get your needs met by being upfront. Set yourself and your family up for success and empower yourself by speaking up. Additionally, remind yourself that it is not selfish to consider your own wants and needs on this special day….even if there are other moms in your life to celebrate as well. You matter so please don’t be afraid to take up space and exist! If you anticipate that Mother’s Day will be challenging or emotional for you, it can be helpful to communicate that to your loved ones as well, letting them know how they can best support you. Having a plan can help to alleviate the anticipatory anxiety and dread you may feel as the day approaches.

Lastly, remember that you owe it to yourself to consider what you can do for yourself this Mother’s Day. Show up for you by having your own back and treating yourself with love and care. Buy yourself flowers, write yourself a love note, take yourself out for coffee, book a spa appointment, etc. Doing so can set the tone for you to honor and celebrate yourself not just one day out of the year, but on a more regular basis as well. Wishing all of you a beautiful and special day. Thank you for everything you do all year round!


Embracing an Authentic Life


Fear of Abandonment