Welcome to Fall!

Fall has arrived....at least for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere :) Here in Pennsylvania, the leaves are starting to change, it’s getting darker earlier in the evening, and there is a chill in the air. I like to periodically utilize journal prompts for reflection, especially when a change in seasons occurs. Regardless of where you're located, it can be helpful to check in with ourselves every so often, examining how far we've come and where we'd like to go moving forward.

As we say goodbye to summer and transition into fall, it can be a perfect time to reflect on the upcoming season. I see autumn as a time to take inventory of what needs to "fall away." Just as the leaves on the trees naturally change color and fall to the ground every year without fail, we can use this time to reflect on what needs to change in our lives and what needs to fall away completely as well. I've experienced that being in tune with the cycles of the seasons provides great value and harmony so I'd encourage you to explore what this new season may be offering to you as well. Here are some journaling prompts that I use - consider actual things in your life like an object or a relationship as well as things like habits, patterns, thoughts, beliefs, etc. Feel free to grab a cup of hot tea, snuggle with a cozy blanket, and consider some of these questions either in your head or by writing your thoughts down.

  • What needs to fall away? What is no longer serving me and/or others in my life?

  • What needs to change or transform in my life?-

  • Are there any changes I need to request of someone else?

  • What self-care practices do I need more of? What truly feeds my soul and supports me?

  • What have been the fruits of my harvest so far this year (positive things that have surfaced)?

  • What seeds have I planted that have sprouted? What needs watering to make it grow?

I hope you find these questions helpful and supportive! I have found my own journaling practice to be a wonderful way to connect with myself, tap into my deepest desires, and provide an outlet for my emotions. Feel free to share in the comments about your journaling process and any insights you may have gained from these prompts. Stay warm and cozy as you enjoy the beauty of Autumn!


Holiday Reflections


Managing Our Relationship Expectations